标签:Stamped - 华人论坛


stamped by BTW, 盖什么章???

在加拿大 有哪位大虾或前辈知道这个是盖什么章啊???stamped by BTW谢谢!!! please send the quotation in pdf file, because i coulnd print it also please request it to be stamped by BTW [ 本帖最后由 fridaboy 于 2012-7-4...华人论坛


Original Invoice stamped

在加拿大 烦请各位帮忙看看以下句子如何更准确的翻译,本人是第一次操作,谢谢: Original Invoice stamped by Chamber of Commerce Original Packing List stamped by Chamber of Commerce Original Certificate of Origin by Chambe...华人论坛


Printed和 stamped,该用哪个?

在加拿大 跟客人沟通关于管子的业务,客人说到“sth to be stamped on the tubing” 请问大家,这里的stamped是指printed么?因为印字是不要钱的,但是如果是那种冲压凹凸的,是要开模的~ 请教各位!谢...华人论坛


这个stamped S6R 11-99 指的是什么

在加拿大 Can you supply inlet/exhaust valves stamped S6R 11-99? 有客户询问船用柴油机的进排气阀 但是后面的stamped S6R 11-99 不明白是什么意思啊是要冲压刻上标记S6R 11-99吗? 还是别的意思? 评论 我理解是...华人论坛



在加拿大 客户要我做一个文件APOSTILLE STAMPED 查了一下百度 http://baike.baidu.com/link?url= ... qq-pf-to=pcqq.group 貌似很麻烦 请问有人知道国内哪里可以做这个?? 评论 1、apostille认证又称海牙认证。 2、这...华人论坛



在加拿大 signed and stamped commercial invoice in 3 originals showing unit price in goods descreption 这里signed 表示发票需要手签吗?还是盖个条行章和法人章就好了 先谢过了 评论 SIGNED一般表示要手签 评论 一般盖...华人论坛


信用证的字眼--signed and stamped

在加拿大 各位亲们好~ 想跟大家讨论一下,信用证46A里: 1. signed and stamped invoice issued by the beneficiary in the name of applicant in 3 originals and 3 copies. 2. signed packing list in 3 originals and 3 copies. 请问: 1. si...华人论坛


stamped by your ministry of trade and industry

在加拿大 约旦客户要 all invoices to be stamped by your ministry of trade and industry 是贸促会盖章吗? 评论 建议让客户改条款·改为all invoices to be stamped by your ministry of trade and industry 改为CHAMBER OF INTERNATIONA...华人论坛


办理Invoice and coo stamped form Iraq embassy

在加拿大 我公司需办理Invoice and coo stamped form Iraq embassy,非国企。可以做的加2404023884,并备注。 评论 伊拉克不是国企很难办理的 评论 关于伊拉克驻华使馆领事认证相关要求变化的通知各有关签...华人论坛



在加拿大 duly stamped and signed bearing the beneficiaries atatement that the invoiced and shipped goods are in strict conformity to those specified in the proforma invoice number DJ1111 dd 12/3/2012 求翻译 评论 经适当盖章签署的受益人声...华人论坛


拿到Stamped Passport和Landing Paper

在加拿大 June 16, 2006 Case Filed Sept, 2006 1st Letter May, 2007 2nd Letter May, 2007 ME and FBI check back Aug, 2007 3rd Letter request additional ME May, 2008 4th Letter request additional ME (drive us mad) Aug 21, 2008 Letter request passport sta...华人论坛