标签:13th - 华人论坛

温哥华 Vancouver

本拿比大火 Kingsway and 13th 昨晚三点

在加拿大 评论 啊矿工再见 超赞 赏 erugigonc 0$(VIP 0) 7,7372016-07-12#2 Intense overnight fire nears Kingsway and 13th is believed to have started in a vacant store 评论 啊矿工再见 超赞 赏 erugigonc 0$(VIP 0) 7,7372016-07-12#3 评论...华人论坛


Vancouver is 13th least affordable city in world

在加拿大 Today's THE VANCOUVER SUNhttp://www.canada.com/vancouversun/news/story.html?id=c9fa8fe2-22b1-4de1-8b5e-643090903411k=70915大意是:温哥华居“世界最昂贵居住城市”排行榜第13位, 而去年是15位,不断攀升 - 购买平...华人论坛