标签:Kenney - 华人论坛


最后三天!阿省Jason Kenney 省长下台

在加拿大 话说,这一周,阿尔伯塔政坛要迎来一件大事,那就是现任省长Jason Kenney 将会在本周内离任,周四时阿省就将迎来一位新省长了! 肯尼的离任下台,是之前在5月份就定下的。由于在...华人论坛


A letter to Kenney

在加拿大 Mr. Kenney, I heard some rumors about the latest immigration policy and I would rather believe it is just a rumor. If the rumor is true, you are really ruining Canada. Canada has been enjoying a good international reputation not only for its...华人论坛


Good news:tim won! jason kenney in trouble !

在加拿大 http://forum.canadameet.cc/showthread.php?t=574010 一大早就收到加国王律师转发的好消息,moi已经早早把内容发到家园了,再次感到正义的力量! 现在,我们91同学要再接再厉,痛打肥康落水狗!...华人论坛


Kenney, you guy is shaming Canada !

在加拿大 Hi Kenney,You guy is shaming Canada!When I was young, I have read a book’ Uncle Tom’s Cabin’ in which the heroine called Canada as ‘Canaan’, as the country sheltered black refugees who escaped from merciless slaveholders. When I gr...华人论坛


Kenney's "We will take the next six months

在加拿大 How do you interpret Kenney's We will take the next six months to do a lot of the heavy lifting to get us closer to a fast and flexible immigration system.” Not bad news for the applicants in the queue at least I think. 评论 回复: Kenn...华人论坛


Jason Kenney in Telegraph

在加拿大 http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/personalfinance/offshorefinance/9583522/Canada-woos-unemployed-British-graduates.html Canada woos unemployed British graduates In an interview with Telegraph Expat, Canadian minister says he wants young Bri...华人论坛


我的大字报,炮轰香港--To kenney

在加拿大 面试久等不来,忍不住了,给移民部长kenney 发信,打印出来,签上名字,给他寄去。看看有没有效果。如果有其他人想给他写信,请不要copy或改写这封信。有需要帮忙的可以告诉我,在...华人论坛


jason kenney的访问原话

在加拿大 只贴与我们相关的。Minister Jason Kenney speaking in parlament) CI: What happens with all the people who applied before Feb. 27, 2008, and still have to wait for six or more years for their application to be processed? JK: They’re...华人论坛


Jason Kenney 再度打击非英语系移民

在加拿大 还有人认为中国 (或其他非英语系国家)移民将源源不绝? 快讯:加拿大入籍新政 英语能力要求11月生效 移民部长康尼(Jason Kenney)今天早晨(28日,周五)正式宣布,从2012年11月1日起,所有...华人论坛