标签:Host - 华人论坛


great thanks to host

在加拿大 Thanks a lot for sharing audio data to all of us.i was pretty dissappointed when found my CD lost, but soon become excited as i found your sharing; now i have download all, but some of them are incorrect format, not MP3, but php, and i can't...华人论坛



在加拿大 what we do is host the sale then make our order to you after the sale ends. If you have hi-res images we'll need those along with prices/sku as our net price. Let me know if you'd like to run a sale. [ 本帖最后由 四色依米 于 2012-1...华人论坛


Host family

在加拿大 A student will fly to Calgary from China. Any possible ways to find a host family to pick him up at the airport and host him for a few days? Any contact phone numbers or email addresses he might try?Thank you. 评论 回复: Host family Coul...华人论坛


China F1 host in corruption probe

在加拿大 http://edition.cnn.com/2006/WORLD/asiapcf/10/18/china.f1.reut/index.html SHANGHAI, China (Reuters) -- A massive investigation of corruption in Shanghai has spread to the sporting world, implicating the host of the city's Formula One Grand Pr...华人论坛


登陆定居 - host program

在加拿大 真高兴,host program给我介绍了一位志愿者.明天见面.这样我就有人可以说英语啦.开心!! 评论 观自在菩萨行深般若波罗密多时照见五蕴皆空度一切苦厄舍利子色不异空空不异色色即...华人论坛


Host International Student in Arcadia

在加拿大 Hi,Since we have an beautiful single house in Arcadia, California.My Daughter will start 9th Grade in Arcadia High School this year. So we would like host one student, which can study and play together. we will take care of you as our own Ch...华人论坛