加拿大华人论坛 蒙特利尔 Montreal当天来回去美国买电脑和大衣,划算吗?


想去plattsburgh的champlain mall买手提电脑和冬天大衣,是不是要比在蒙城买要省钱?想当天过去当天回来,能否免税过海关?有经验的人说说。多谢

在Tangerine.ca银行开户,填写Orange Key 39764988S1 就得50刀。通过此接链amex.ca/share/anthosrffT 申请运通 Amex Cash Back 信用卡,通过后就得100刀。无年费;前六个月返现5%[/COLOR] 超赞 赏 C cafard 0$(VIP 0) 2512014-09-24#2 800刀以内的都免税



oldseniu 说:当天来回没有免税额度,完全看官员心情。点击展开...是的,通常$200/人是容忍的。

Personal exemption amountsThe length of your absence from Canada determines the amount of goods you can bring back, without paying any duties.Traveller personal exemption limits effective June 1, 2012Less than 24 hoursPersonal exemptions do not apply to same-day cross-border shoppers.24 hours or moreUp to CAN$200 – Alcohol and tobacco cannot be claimed. Goods must be in your possession at time of entry to Canada. If the value of the goods you have purchased abroad exceeds $200 after a 24 hour absence, duty and taxes are applicable on the entire amount of the imported goods.48 hours or moreUp to CAN$800 – May include alcohol and tobacco products, within the prescribed limits set by provincial or territorial authorities. Goods must be in your possession at time of entry to Canada. Travellers absent for periods of 48 hours or more will have the applicable exemption level credited against the total value of goods.7 days or moreUp to CAN$800 – May include alcohol and tobacco products, within the prescribed limits set by provincial or territorial authorities. For the seven-day exemption, goods may be in your possession at time of entry to Canada but are also permitted to follow entry to Canada (such as via courier, mail or delivery agency), except alcohol and tobacco products, which must be in your possession. All the goods will qualify for duty- and tax-free entry if they are declared at the initial return to Canada.For more information, consult I Declare.http://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/travel-voyage/ifcrc-rpcrc-eng.html


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蒙特利尔 Montreal-加拿大


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蒙特利尔 Montreal-加拿大


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