加拿大华人论坛 卡尔加里 Calgary二手买卖 - 免费Samsung Galaxy+10月contract或者免费升级到Iphone4S


免费升级到Iphone 4S + 学生plan!Great Student Plan no longer available!!! Student $50 with Fab 10 numbers social plan $50.00/mon.I have the contract 2.2 year, if you take over, you are an old customer to Bell! Free transfer fee!Option 1. Get the Galaxy S (Unlocked)free + in 6 months able to choose a whatever new phone full upgrade!Negotiate with Bell as a Old continue customer to get a better rate on Phone and Plan. Option 2.upgrade to iPhone 4S free when transferring the contract at a shop($50-$60 value)! 200 Local Minute Social Networking Unlimited 6pm - 9pm calling UnlimitedCanada wide - National Fab 10 numbers - Text & Talk Text Messaging - Unlimited Package Basic Long Distance Rate Windows Email&Int 500MB DataLeaving Canada, get a Free Samsung Galaxy S if take over the contract! Taking over by end of Nov, Early Dec.Contract end Sep 2013.(The phone screen has a small crack but don't affect usage at all)!看图:http://calgary.kijiji.ca/c-buy-and-...th-9-10-Month-left-on-Bell-W0QQAdIdZ428410411

回复: 免费Samsung Galaxy+10月contract或者免费升级到Iphone4SUpgrade to iPhone 4S free when transferring the contract at a shop! Save $80! ( http://www.bell.ca/Mobility/Products/Apple_iPhone_4S )Free IPhone 4S if take over the contract! Taking over by end of Nov, Early Dec.Contract end Sep 2013.(The phone screen has a small crack but don't affect usage at all)!

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卡尔加里 Calgary-加拿大


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