加拿大华人论坛 多伦多 Toronto昆明歹徒见人就砍目前至28死120多伤



早起的虫子被鸟吃 超赞 赏 sirapaz 0$(VIP 0) 9,8952014-03-01#2 回复: 昆明歹徒见人就砍目前至28死120多伤尼玛!!!最最可恨的就是伤及无辜!中国的司法审判走起!

回复: 昆明歹徒见人就砍目前至28死120多伤[ame]http://www.no video.com/watch?v=Cc5vVykoDQE[/ame]

回复: 昆明歹徒见人就砍目前至28死120多伤新华网昆明3月2日电 官方证实,1日晚发生在昆明火车站的持刀伤人事件截至2日零时许已造成27人死亡,109人受伤。1日晚,一伙歹徒持械在昆明火车站砍杀路人。目前已有数名歹徒被处置,现场已经拉开警戒线,从昆明火车站往外150米左右的主干道被封锁,目前还在对火车站内人员进行排查。记者在现场看到,已有公安、特警、消防、120等多方力量到达现场,警车数十辆大批警力协助处理。记者在昆明市第一人民医院看到,医院大厅和急救室有大量伤者,据急诊登记统计,截至3月1日24时,己收治死伤者60余名,具体伤亡数据正在核实中。医务人员正在全力安抚救治受伤群众,伤员中还包括多名民警,一名民警头部严重受伤,正在接受急救。1日23时许,昆明火车站前几个十字路口已经戒严。火车站前的岗亭里,一名叫杨自清的女子告诉记者,接近9点的时候,突然有人拿刀见人就砍,几个老乡的老公都受伤了,有两个送到医院去了,杨自清现在也联系不上自己的老公。(李萌、王研现场报道)

回复: 昆明歹徒见人就砍目前至28死120多伤新闻来源--凤凰网事件处理:·习近平委派孟建柱赴昆明处置暴恐事件·云南省委书记等人赶到现场·公安部:昆明砍人事件令人发指 将严厉打击暴徒砍人:·一伙歹徒在昆明火车站砍杀 数名歹徒已被击毙伤亡情况:·昆明火车站砍人事件已造成27人死亡 109人受伤现场:·昆明:砍杀现场散落很多鞋子 消防车冲洗路面血迹·昆明火车站售票区广场仍封锁 内有防爆警察、警犬目击者说:·昆明火车站发生砍杀案 目击者称行凶者有女性·目击者:看到售票大厅内有4个蒙面人在砍人医院救治伤者:·昆明第一医院:伤员过多 血量不足·昆明120急救中心收治109伤者 已有3人死亡春城晚报: 昆明市第一人民医院仅有少量存血昆明市第一人民医院血液科,刚刚接到血液中心送来的血液。据血液科工作人员说,目前医院还有少量存血,此前已经向昆明市血液中心和各兄弟医院要求增援,第一批要求增援血量有30个单位。目前,伤者多集中在该医院ICU 、外科。新京报:昆明第一医院:伤员过多血量不足刚刚记者在昆明市第一医院血液科了解到,目前由于伤员过多,该院血量不足,正在联系血液中心调配血液。此前昆明市公安局证实,18名伤者送入该院抢救,2人死亡。(记者 李丹丹) 新京报讯 针对晚上发生在昆明火车站的暴力袭击事件,记者致电昆明120急救中心,工作人员称已派出5辆救护车赶往现场,现在仍往返于昆明火车站和各大医院。 昆明急救中心称收治伤者109人,已有3人死亡。

回复: 昆明歹徒见人就砍目前至28死120多伤以后中国的警察可能配枪增加,对平民施暴真不是人。

回复: 昆明歹徒见人就砍目前至28死120多伤CBC NEWSKunming train station 'terrorist' attack leaves 28 deadThomson Reuters Posted: Mar 01, 2014 10:37 AM EThttp://www.cbc.ca/news/world/kunming-train-station-terrorist-attack-leaves-28-dead-1.2556302At least 28 people were killed in a "violent terrorist attack" at a train station in the southwestern Chinese city of Kunming by a group of unidentified people brandishing knives, five of whom were shot dead, state media said on Sunday.Another 162 people were injured, the official Xinhua news agency added. It said the attack had taken place late on Saturday evening."It was an organized, premeditated violent terrorist attack," Xinhua said.Police shot dead five of the attackers and were searching for around five others, it added.Kunming resident Yang Haifei told Xinhua that he was buying a ticket when he saw a group of people, mostly wearing black, rush into the station and start attacking bystanders.CHINA-ATTACK/Police patrol on a street after a group of armed men attacked people at Kunming railway station, Yunnan province, on March 1, 2014. At least 27 people were killed in the attack, the Chinese state news agency Xinhua said. (Wong Campion/Reuters)"I saw a person come straight at me with a long knife and I ran away with everyone," he said. Those who were slower were caught by the attackers. "They just fell on the ground."Graphic pictures on the Twitter-like microblogging service Sina Weibo showed bodies covered in blood lying on the ground at the station.Xinhua reported later Sunday that the attack was carried out by militants from China's far western region of Xinjiang."Evidence at the crime scene showed that the Kunming Railway Station terrorist attack was carried out by Xinjiang separatist forces," Xinhua said, citing the government of Kunming city where the attack happened.'They are evil'State television's microblog said domestic security chief Meng Jianzhu was on his way to the scene.Weibo users took to the service to describe details of what happened, though many of those posts were quickly deleted by government censors, especially those that described the attackers, two of whom were identified by some as women.Others condemned the attack."No matter who, for whatever reason, or of what race, chose somewhere so crowded as a train station, and made innocent people their target - they are evil and they should go to hell," wrote one user.The attack comes at a particularly sensitive time as China gears up for the annual meeting of parliament, which opens in Beijing on Wednesday and is normally accompanied by a tightening of security across the country.China has blamed similar incidents in the past on Islamist extremists operating in the restive far western region of Xinjiang, though such attacks have generally been limited to Xinjiang itself.China says its first major suicide attack, in Beijing's Tiananmen Square in October, involved militants from Xinjiang, home to the Muslim Uighur people, many of whom chafe at Chinese restrictions on their culture and religion.Hu Xijin, editor of the influential Global Times newspaper, published by the ruling Communist Party's official People's Daily, wrote on his Weibo feed that the government should say who it suspected of the attack as soon as possible."If it was Xinjiang separatists, it needs to be announced promptly, as hearsay should not be allowed to fill the vacuum," Hu wrote.

回复: 昆明歹徒见人就砍目前至28死120多伤BBC NewsChina mass stabbing: Deadly knife attack in Kunming1 March 2014 Last updated at 17:27 EThttp://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-26402367An attack by knife-wielding men at a railway station in Kunming in south-west China has left at least 28 dead, the state news agency Xinhua says.Nothing is known so far about the motivation behind the attack, in which 113 people are said to have been hurt.However, authorities described it as an "organised, premeditated, violent terrorist attack".Five suspects were shot dead but their identities have not been confirmed, Xinhua said.Pools of bloodWitnesses said that the men attacked people at random.A survivor named Yang Haifei, who was wounded in the back and chest, told Xinhua he had been buying a train ticket when the attackers, most of them dressed in black, rushed into the station."I saw a person come straight at me with a long knife and I ran away with everyone," he said.He added that those too slow to flee were cut down.Some who escaped were desperately looking for missing loved ones.Yang Ziqing told Xinhua she and her husband had been waiting for a train to Shanghai "when a knife-wielding man suddenly came at them"."I can't find my husband, and his phone went unanswered," she said.Social media users in China posted pictures of the attack on the internet, but correspondents say they are being taken down.Images seen by the BBC show men and women lying on the floor in pools of blood following the attack.State broadcaster CCTV said top security official Meng Jianzhu would travel to Kunming to oversee the handling of the investigation.President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang have sent condolences to the victims and their families, the channel added.

回复: 昆明歹徒见人就砍目前至28死120多伤很明显当地的警察失职。对待疆独分子格杀勿论!

回复: 昆明歹徒见人就砍目前至28死120多伤血腥的杀戮摆在眼前,良心未泯的人都会感到心惊、愤怒俺只觉得洗脑太可怕,人会变成冷血杀手。。。

回复: 昆明歹徒见人就砍目前至28死120多伤华人兄弟们,家里记得放在几把砍骨刀,有事无事挥动一下。

回复: 昆明歹徒见人就砍目前至28死120多伤支持楼主。杀人偿命!

回复: 昆明歹徒见人就砍目前至28死120多伤中央电视台已经报道了,是新疆恐怖分裂势力策划的

回复: 昆明歹徒见人就砍目前至28死120多伤同意。。。

回复: 昆明歹徒见人就砍目前至28死120多伤新疆恐怖组织所为,一女暴徒被擒。

早起的虫子被鸟吃血腥的杀戮摆在眼前,良心未泯的人都会感到心惊、愤怒俺只觉得洗脑太可怕,人会变成冷血杀手。。。点击展开...现在八根兄该看清是谁被洗脑了吧?这样野蛮的滥杀无辜, 谁干得出来? 难道又是中国政府在策划阴谋? 在干比"活摘人体器官"更吓人的暴行? 那些臭不要脸的轮子哪儿去了?

回复: 昆明歹徒见人就砍目前至28死120多伤无论他们有什么政治主张,杀!点击展开...坚决支持! 对暴徒仁慈, 就是对无辜者残忍.这种畜生懂啥是政治主张吗?

回复: 昆明歹徒见人就砍目前至28死120多伤现在八根兄该看清是谁被洗脑了吧?这样野蛮的滥杀无辜, 谁干得出来? 难道又是中国政府在策划阴谋? 在干比"活摘人体器官"更吓人的暴行? 那些臭不要脸的轮子哪儿去了?点击展开...呵呵,扬言踏平台湾核平东京的,发展下去和这些邪教分子一回事的。。。

回复: 昆明歹徒见人就砍目前至28死120多伤呵呵,扬言踏平台湾核平东京的,发展下去和这些邪教分子一回事的。。。点击展开...我举报, 是老军医干的, 大家砍死他。

[FONT=Arimo, sans-serif]机会像雪片一样向我扑来,都被我一一闪过。。。。。。[/FONT] 超赞 赏 C cdgo 0$(VIP 0) 282014-03-01#20 回复: 昆明歹徒见人就砍目前至28死120多伤好恐怖,两个礼拜刚从云南旅游归来,也是九点多钟的火车,全家老小,心有余悸!都不敢出去了。

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