加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息提前退租公寓,一般如何约定罚款?一个月租金



四海为家回复: 提前退租公寓,一般如何约定罚款?一个月租金?是在合同期内么? 看合同怎么约定的. 或者看这个: 1.9.1 How can a tenant end a tenancy?When a tenant wants to move out, he or she must provide the landlord a written, signed notice providing the complete address of the rental unit and indicating when the tenant plans to move out. The notice must be a minimum of one clear month, cannot take effect before the end of a fixed term tenancy agreement, and must be given on or before last day of a rental payment period to be effective on the last day of a subsequent rental payment period. However, if there is a term in the fixed term tenancy agreement which requires that the tenant vacate the premises at the end of the fixed term, then no notice by the tenant is necessary as the tenant must move out at the end of the tenancy.For example, in a month-to-month tenancy, if rent is due on the first day of the month, the tenant must give notice to the landlord no later than September 30th to move out on October 31st. If the tenancy agreement is for a fixed term ending December 31st, and the agreement does not provide that the tenant must move out at the end of the fixed term, the tenant can give notice any time up to November 30th, to take effect on December 31st. If the tenant wants to move before the end of a fixed term tenancy, the tenant will have to continue to pay rent until the end of the term unless the landlord agrees in writing that the tenant can end the tenancy early or can assign or sublet the unit, or if the landlord is able to mitigate the potential loss by renting out the premises. If the tenancy is for a fixed term of six months or more, the landlord cannot unreasonably withhold consent to assign or sublet.See also:Guidebook: Residential Tenancy Act - A Guide for Landlords and Tenants in British Columbia (PDF)Guidebook: Manufactured Home Park Tenancy Act - A Guide

移温轶事:http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=86181与北极光共舞:http://www.crossna.com/forum/topic10928.html烈日炎炎走大圈: http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=357548是在合同期内么? 看合同怎么约定的. 或者看这个: 1.9.1 How can a tenant end a tenancy? When a tenant wants to move out, he or she must provide the landlord a written, signed notice providing the complete address of the rental unit and indicating when the tenant plans to move out. The notice must be a minimum of one clear month, cannot take effect before the end of a fixed term tenancy agreement, and must be given on or before last day of a rental payment period to be effective on the last day of a subsequent rental payment period. However, if there is a term in the fixed term tenancy agreement which requires that the tenant vacate the premises at the end of the fixed term, then no notice by the tenant is necessary as the tenant must move out at the end of the tenancy.For example, in a month-to-month tenancy, if rent is due on the first day of the month, the tenant must give notice to the landlord no later than September 30th to move out on October 31st. If the tenancy agreement is for a fixed term ending December 31st, and the agreement does not provide that the tenant must move out at the end of the fixed term, the tenant can give notice any time up to November 30th, to take effect on December 31st. If the tenant wants to move before the end of a fixed term tenancy, the tenant will have to continue to pay rent until the end of the term unless the landlord agrees in writing that the tenant can end the tenancy early or can assign or sublet the unit, or if the landlord is able to mitigate the potential loss by renting out the premises. If the tenancy is for a fixed term of six months or more, the landlord cannot unreasonably withhold consent to assign or sublet.See also:Guidebook: Residential Tenancy Act - A Guide for Landlords and Tenants in British Columbia (PDF)Guidebook: Manufactured Home Park Tenancy Act - A Guide 点击展开... !一般情况下,你的押金是收不回来的

香港英国保诚保险公司保险代理人 游强00852--52669216[email protected]赞反馈:孺子牛 2010-04-26#4 前生为鱼
1$(0.00$赞力,#92) 5,415 $1.00 回复: 提前退租公寓,一般如何约定罚款?一个月租金?看合同,有问过一家是赔3个月。

回复: 提前退租公寓,一般如何约定罚款?一个月租金?可以转租吧

回复: 提前退租公寓,一般如何约定罚款?一个月租金?可以转租吧点击展开...也许是个好主意

回复: 提前退租公寓,一般如何约定罚款?一个月租金?请问楼主退租了吗?是怎么协商的呢?

回复: 提前退租公寓,一般如何约定罚款?一个月租金?不知道转租有没有什么要求啊,正想租个公寓,但又不想太固定的租期

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