加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息6月20日/21日, 野温泉Sloquet Hotspring


鉴于Meager Creek Hot Spring上周被贾二污染, 本周六换地.Sloquet Hotspring49°43.8' 122°19.5' (49°43' 48"-122°19' 30")Located on Sloquet Creek, about 10 km up the road.车: 四驱车PREFERRED.住宿: CAMPING SITE须携带物品: 帐篷, 睡袋, 睡垫, 防蚊虫喷剂, 食物, 垃圾袋(所有垃圾必须随车带回). 泳衣. 野外炉.出发时间:6月20日上午10:00 返回时间:6月21日下午.集合地点: SQUAMISH 1号路的西面, 麦当劳店(MC DONALDS, 38451 CLEVELAND AVE., SQUAMISH)http://www.mapquest.com/maps?city=Sq...+Cleveland+Ave出发线路: (北线)1. From Vancouver follow Highway 99 (Sea to Sky Highway) past Squamish, Whistler, and Pemberton to the village of Mount Currie.2. At Mount Currie, take a right turn (E0520220 N5573640) onto the Duffey Lake Road toward Lillooet. The turn-off is easy to miss so if you see signs for Darcy or Seton Portage, you may have missed the turn-off.3. After about 10 km you will have wound through a native reserve and travelled along the shore of the Lilloet River to reach a fork (E0529030 N5572250) with a major gravel road with a sign saying "Lilloet Lake Lodge, 12 km".4. Turn right onto this gravel road that is known as the Skookumchuck forest service road. If you find yourself driving up a long hill with sharp switchbacks, you've missed the turn-off.5. Follow the Skookumchuck road southward along the shore of Lillooet lake past the end of the lake, crossing over a number of creeks along the way such as Joffre, Twin One, Twin Two, and Lizzie. After about 30 km you'll reach a fork (N0533390 N5548740) that leads to a bridge over Tenas Narrows. Do not take this right fork but instead go straight ahead (left fork).6. Continue south for another 45 km or so, passing Rogers Creek, Saint Agnes Well, the village of Skookumchuck with its distinctive church, Gowan Creek, Livingston Creek, Frank Creek, and Whiskey Lake to reach the Port Douglas fork (E0555070 N5518460). Take the right fork.7. Bridge at Lelachen: After about 4 km you'll come to the point named Lelachen on the 1:50,000 map, and cross a bridge (E0556020 N5515190) (49:47:19-122:13:19) over the Lillooet River to its west side. A few hundred meters past the bridge you'll reach a weird four-way intersection. Take the left fork. (Continues along the Lillooet River.8. Sloquet Creek Bridge: Continue south on Lillooet River road for about 4 km to a fork just before the Sloquet Creek bridge (E0555530 N5511830) (49:45:29-122:13:56). At this fork, leave the main logging road by turning right onto a spur road that heads west.9. After just 50 m, you'll reach another fork. Take the left fork and follow this road for 10 km to a parking spot (E0548520 N5508850) (49:43:54-122:19:37). There is ample room here to park your vehicle and for overnight camping.10. Past the camping spot, the road is blocked by big bouders. Walk past the boulders and hike down a steep hill for 400 m, past a dead pickup truck, to the end of the road.11. Climb down to the river bed; the hotspring is on your left (E0548630 N5508560). 49:43:44-122:19:32=hotspring

回复: 6月20日/21日, 野温泉Sloquet Hotspring这条线路比较难走, 因此要求四驱车. 好处是线路不重复, 一路看HARRISON LAKE和LILLOOET LAKE的风光.已有两家人:若凡尘一家四口;POKER007家两个成人.要去的TZ跟帖, 篝火人多才热闹...

回复: 6月20日/21日, 野温泉Sloquet Hotspringpoker,你是啥车?这南线有10几公里对车要求很高,大石头很多,俺去年路上还见到有玩offroad玩废了的车,carl也走过这条线,走南线线估计会把很多人挡住

------------------------------------------------http://www.beaware.gc.ca/english/toce.shtmlhttp://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/publications/pub/bsf5056-eng.htmlhttp://www.inspection.gc.ca/english/toce.shtml回复: 6月20日/21日, 野温泉Sloquet Hotspring这回我家去不了了,要准备行装去安大略转悠了。祝大家玩得愉快,等着看照片了!

回复: 6月20日/21日, 野温泉Sloquet Hotspringpoker,你是啥车?这南线有10几公里对车要求很高,大石头很多,俺去年路上还见到有玩offroad玩废了的车,carl也走过这条线,走南线线估计会把很多人挡住点击展开...SUV, SUBARU FORESTER 2007.CARL顾虑偶家的车底盘可能不够高. 偶想偶们的开车技术是否可以弥补这点.若凡尘的是吉普车, 没问题.

回复: 6月20日/21日, 野温泉Sloquet Hotspring反正那10几公里要走一段时间,爬很多大石头。而且有些岔路,尽量跟着高压线走。要是底盘有装甲可能好一些。另外,那个地方是不能naked的。Meager Creek Hot Spring是可以naked的。

回复: 6月20日/21日, 野温泉Sloquet Hotspring建议大家去买atv玩,这样的路适合atv,不过千万不要买二爷公司的atv,会趴在半路的。

回复: 6月20日/21日, 野温泉Sloquet Hotspring真佩服poker!

人生梦想: 看遍天下美景, 尝遍人间佳肴http://blog.sina.com.cn/jinghuiyu回复: 6月20日/21日, 野温泉Sloquet Hotspring想去,又害怕,,,犹豫ING...

回复: 6月20日/21日, 野温泉Sloquet Hotspring想去,又害怕,,,犹豫ING...点击展开...什么车呀? 其实泡哪个温泉都行, 只是一直想走这条路来着. 上次是两驱车多, 所以选Meager Creek那里.偶也不是一条道走到黑. 如果底盘确实过不去, 那就掉头, 到HARRISON LAKE的东面, 选一个CAMPING SITE.

回复: 6月20日/21日, 野温泉Sloquet Hotspring反正那10几公里要走一段时间,爬很多大石头。而且有些岔路,尽量跟着高压线走。要是底盘有装甲可能好一些。另外,那个地方是不能naked的。Meager Creek Hot Spring是可以naked的。点击展开...嗯, 改了...

回复: 6月20日/21日, 野温泉Sloquet Hotspring什么车呀? 其实泡哪个温泉都行, 只是一直想走这条路来着. 上次是两驱车多, 所以选Meager Creek那里. 偶也不是一条道走到黑. 如果底盘确实过不去, 那就掉头, 到HARRISON LAKE的东面, 选一个CAMPING SITE.点击展开...Poker, 我是四驱车,不过是小车不是SUV, 地盘肯定是比较低的可以走这条道吗?

回复: 6月20日/21日, 野温泉Sloquet Hotspring这张有点意思, VAN开进去...http://www.flickr.com/photos/44871759@N00/3006581906/in/set-72157607219887249/

回复: 6月20日/21日, 野温泉Sloquet Hotspringpoker,你是啥车?这南线有10几公里对车要求很高,大石头很多,俺去年路上还见到有玩offroad玩废了的车,carl也走过这条线,走南线线估计会把很多人挡住点击展开...是下面的车么?http://www.flickr.com/photos/44871759@N00/2845695191/in/set-72157607219887249/

回复: 6月20日/21日, 野温泉Sloquet HotspringPoker, 我是四驱车,不过是小车不是SUV, 地盘肯定是比较低的可以走这条道吗?点击展开...只能走北线.确认去的话, 偶们大家可以改走北线.

回复: 6月20日/21日, 野温泉Sloquet Hotspring这张有点意思, VAN开进去... http://www.flickr.com/photos/44871759@N00/3006581906/in/set-72157607219887249/点击展开...别小看图上这个VAN,是四驱的,底盘还高,越野能力比你的森林人强,有人改装这车玩offroad的

------------------------------------------------http://www.beaware.gc.ca/english/toce.shtmlhttp://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/publications/pub/bsf5056-eng.htmlhttp://www.inspection.gc.ca/english/toce.shtml别小看图上这个VAN,是四驱的,底盘还高,越野能力比你的森林人强,有人改装这车玩offroad的点击展开...电话里问了CARL具体的路况, 考虑北线进北线出.说是南线基本不沿HARRISON LAKE, 看不到湖景. 这也就失去走南线的动力了.北线倒是基本沿湖走.

回复: 6月20日/21日, 野温泉Sloquet Hotspring这张有点意思, VAN开进去...http://www.flickr.com/photos/44871759@N00/3006581906/in/set-72157607219887249/点击展开...这车中国比较多,我在三亚租过这车,很不错的。

回复: 6月20日/21日, 野温泉Sloquet Hotspring你好 ! 想参加,请问从狮门大桥到目地,有多远?大概开多长时间?点击展开...99号公路估计要走1小时50分钟, 转到沙石土路有105公里左右, 至少2小时.

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