加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民想带猫猫出去的看过来啦


查了很多网站例如幸运土猫上的贴子(其实这类贴子还是太少了),前辈们带猫猫旅行或者出国的经历更坚定了我带猫猫出去的想法。既然当初从街上解救了他们,就要象总理教导的那样作个负责的公民啊。签证下来了,这个事情日益紧迫。今天登陆了官方网站看了看,收录如下信息给各位参考。大好消息啦!!!不需要隔离!!!! http://www.inspection.gc.ca/english/anima/heasan/import/catse.shtml Canadian Food Inspection AgencyAnimal ProductsAnimal Health and Production DivisionImportation of CatsThe pet import requirements outlined in this page are current as of 2005-10- 15 .--------------------------------------------------------------------------------The following outlines the current conditions applicable to the import of cats into Canada. The conditions are different depending on the origin of the cats, ie. rabies-free countries (Section 1) vs. non-rabies-free countries (Section 2).Note 1 Current policy does not impose quarantine in Canada on the import of pet cats from any country. Note 2 These conditions apply only to pet cats. If you have many cats you may be asked to provide certification that they are your personal pets and are not for resale. Note 3 Pet cats less than (three) 3 months of age do not require vaccination against rabies. Note 4 These conditions also apply to temporary visits and in-transit visits. Note 5 Before proceeding, please determine if the country of the pet (country of export) is recognized by Canada as a Rabies-Free Country. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Select the section that pertains to your import requirementsSection 1 - Pet cats three (3) months of age or older from a Rabies-Free Country (officially recognized as such by Canada): Section 2- Cats three (3) months of age or older from countries WHERE RABIES IS PRESENT (or not recognized officially rabies-free by Canada).Section 3 - Inspection FeesSection 4 - Automated Import Reference System (AIRS)The purpose of the AIRS is to provide information on import requirements for all commodities regulated by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA). The application uses a question and answer approach to guide the user through a series of questions about the Harmonized System (HS) Codes, origin, destination, end use and miscellaneous qualifiers of the product they wish to import.If you are importing cats and the above conditions do not apply, please refer to Automated Import Reference System (AIRS) website: http://www.airs-sari.inspection.gc.caHS Code Selection: 01 06 19 2084

冯唐在医学院的时候为了让小白老鼠理解中国现代读书人的处境,上午给它听崔健,下午给它听莫扎特,一三五给它听《枪和玫瑰》,二四六给它听瞎子阿炳,星期天不休息听新闻联播。三个月后,小白老鼠疯了。 超赞 赏 BigLion_BigCat 0$(VIP 0) 2202005-10-15#2 因为中国不在加拿大认可的“已经消除狂犬病的国家”之列,所以参见Section2:3个月以上的猫猫需要提供有合法的医师提供的狂犬病免疫证明,上面需要注明猫猫的一些信息以及疫苗的品牌,序列号,效用期。如果没有注明效用期,视为一年有效。细节请参考以下内容:-------------------------------------------------------------Importation of Pet CatsSection 2 - Pet Cats three (3) months of age or overfrom countries where rabies is present (or not recognized officially rabies-free by Canada)The pet import requirements outlined in this page are current as of 2005-10- 15 .--------------------------------------------------------------------------------2.1 Cats may enter Canada if accompanied by a valid rabies vaccination certificate issued, in either English or French, by a licensed veterinarian(2), which clearly identifies the cats and shows that they are currently vaccinated against rabies. This certificate should identify the animal, as in breed, colour, weight, etc., plus indicate the name of the licensed rabies vaccine used (trade name), serial number and duration of validity (up to 3 years). Please note that if a validity date does not appear on the certificate, then it will be considered a one year vaccine.We do not impose a waiting period between the time the animal is vaccinated for rabies and the time the animal is imported into Canada. 2.2 If the provisions of 2.1 are not met, an inspector will order the owner to have the animals vaccinated for rabies within a period of time specified in the order and to provide the vaccination certificate to an inspector, all at the owner's expense. Note: Rabies vaccination or certification is not required if the cats are less than three (3) months of age. (1) An official government veterinarian is a veterinarian who works for the government veterinary service in the country of origin.(2) A licensed veterinarian is a veterinarian who is licensed to practice veterinary medicine in the country of origin.

冯唐在医学院的时候为了让小白老鼠理解中国现代读书人的处境,上午给它听崔健,下午给它听莫扎特,一三五给它听《枪和玫瑰》,二四六给它听瞎子阿炳,星期天不休息听新闻联播。三个月后,小白老鼠疯了。 超赞 赏 下雨天 0$(VIP 0) 5,5282005-10-15#3 先表示支持!

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