加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民请问传说中的大信封里都装着些什么东西?





2000.10.23 BJ FN2005.01.30 -> ME2005.02.07 -> 完成补料2005.02.17 -> 5变122005.05.09 -> 补存款证明2005.06.11 -> 172005.06.15 -> visa到达中介2005.06.16 -> visa到手2006.01.21 -> 短登温哥华2006.09.03 -> 长登温哥华 超赞 赏 M mapletree 0$(VIP 0) 2542005-05-23#4 我也想知道,那信里是怎么写的来着?

贴着签证的护照, 移民纸, 还退还雇主推荐信. 还有一些银行广告什么的. 我今天又写信去要求他们退还我公证材料, 到现在还没回音呢.

贴着签证的护照, 移民纸. 还有一些银行广告什么的,就这么点东西。没退我雇主推荐信,为什么我跟大家不一样?

I WILL BE BACK 超赞 赏 反馈:tyouyakuhei I immican 0$(VIP 0) 3542005-05-23#7 我的大信封里有:1.一家人的passport + visa2.一家人的永久居住确认表CPR3.推荐信,其他我交的原件4.Canadian Labour Market Information (苦呀)5.Important Information Concerning Changes In Marital Status or the Addition of Dependent Children(乌鸦嘴)6.Cover Letter:Dear Applicant,Please find enclosed your Permanent Resident visas for you and your dependants affixed to your passports. Note carefully the visa expiry date in the day/month/year format. You and your dependants must arrive in Canada to establish permanent residence before this expiry date. The expiry date is based on the earlier of two dates: the expiry dates of your passports and your medical assessments. The principal applicant may either accompany or precede any dependent family members who have received visas.It is not possible to extend the validity of a Permanent Resident visa in any circumstances. If you and/or your dependants are unable to arrive in Canada prior to the visa expiry date, all expired visas must be returned to this office for cancellation. If you still wish to immigrate to Canada, you will have to submit a new application, pay new processing fees and qualify under rules that are in force at that time.You will also find enclosed the completed Confirmation of Permanent Residence forms. As this document must be presented at the Port of Entry when you arrive in Canada, please keep it in a safe place and ensure that it is with you on arrival in Canada and not in checked baggage or with the effects that will follow you at a later date. Bear in mind that the CPR is not valid for travel and must be accompanied by an Permanent Resident visa. If this document does not have your picture on it, please bring a passport picture with you to the Port of Entry (see attached document for picture specifications).You must report all changes in your family configuration and marital status before your departure for Canada. This includes all births, deaths, marriages, divorces, new custody arrangements and adoptions involving you and/or your dependants. If you fail to do so and travel to Canada, you and your family members will not be admitted as permanent residents.Please note that your visa must be in valid passport. If for any reasons you decide to replace or renew your passport after the visa has been issued, please contact our office immediately. You cannot use a visa in a passport that is no longer valid.Keep your passports in a safe place at all times. There is no automatic right to visa reissuance if they are lost or destroyed prior to use.For information on regulations regarding the importation of goods into Canada, please consult Canada Border Services Agency’s web page at http://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/travel/settlers-e.htme.. For general information regarding settlement in Canada, please consult Citizenship and Immigration Canada’s web page http://wwww.cic.gc.ca/english/newcomer/welcome/index/htmel.On behalf of the Department of Citizenship and Immigration, we extend our best wishes to you and your family for a happy and prosperous life in Canada.

我不是唯物主义者,不是唯心主义者,不是非唯物主义者,不是非唯心主义者,也不是既唯物又唯心主义者,更不是既非唯物又非唯心主义者, i'm nobody, NoBody is perfect. 所以:I'm perfect. 超赞 赏 反馈:tyouyakuhei L lxq 0$(VIP 0) 1382005-05-23#8 good inf.



immican 说:我的大信封里有:1. 一家人的passport + visa2. 一家人的永久居住确认表CPR3. 推荐信,其他我交的原件4. Canadian Labour Market Information (苦呀)5. Important Information Concerning Changes In Marital Status or the Addition of Dependent Children(乌鸦嘴)6. Cover Letter:Dear Applicant,Please find enclosed your Permanent Resident visas for you and your dependants affixed to your passports. Note carefully the visa expiry date in the day/month/year format. You and your dependants must arrive in Canada to establish permanent residence before this expiry date. The expiry date is based on the earlier of two dates: the expiry dates of your passports and your medical assessments. The principal applicant may either accompany or precede any dependent family members who have received visas.It is not possible to extend the validity of a Permanent Resident visa in any circumstances. If you and/or your dependants are unable to arrive in Canada prior to the visa expiry date, all expired visas must be returned to this office for cancellation. If you still wish to immigrate to Canada, you will have to submit a new application, pay new processing fees and qualify under rules that are in force at that time.You will also find enclosed the completed Confirmation of Permanent Residence forms. As this document must be presented at the Port of Entry when you arrive in Canada, please keep it in a safe place and ensure that it is with you on arrival in Canada and not in checked baggage or with the effects that will follow you at a later date. Bear in mind that the CPR is not valid for travel and must be accompanied by an Permanent Resident visa. If this document does not have your picture on it, please bring a passport picture with you to the Port of Entry (see attached document for picture specifications).You must report all changes in your family configuration and marital status before your departure for Canada. This includes all births, deaths, marriages, divorces, new custody arrangements and adoptions involving you and/or your dependants. If you fail to do so and travel to Canada, you and your family members will not be admitted as permanent residents.Please note that your visa must be in valid passport. If for any reasons you decide to replace or renew your passport after the visa has been issued, please contact our office immediately. You cannot use a visa in a passport that is no longer valid.Keep your passports in a safe place at all times. There is no automatic right to visa reissuance if they are lost or destroyed prior to use.For information on regulations regarding the importation of goods into Canada, please consult Canada Border Services Agency’s web page at http://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/travel/settlers-e.htme.. For general information regarding settlement in Canada, please consult Citizenship and Immigration Canada’s web page http://wwww.cic.gc.ca/english/newcomer/welcome/index/htmel.On behalf of the Department of Citizenship and Immigration, we extend our best wishes to you and your family for a happy and prosperous life in Canada.点击展开... 请问你也是技术移民的吧?那么你的CPR是一式几联的?谢谢!



2005年7月6日登陆多伦多. 超赞 赏 Lori 0$(VIP 0) 9212005-05-25#14 我的信封里只有护照+Visa,移民纸。为什么比大家少那么多东西?


上午收到使馆电话, 说公证材料需要留档, 不能退




上网上成网虫,灌水灌成顾问。跟帖跟成精通,加分加成富翁!我的是一联四式,技术移民。点击展开... 我的是一式三联的。您知道两者有什么不同吗?

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·生活百科 关于安装太阳能后用电量增加的问题



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