加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民38项紧缺列表~!


0111: Financial Managers 财务经理0213: Computer and Information Systems Managers 计算机信息系统经理0311: Managers in Health Care 卫生保健经理0631: Restaurant and Food Service Managers 餐饮服务经理0632: Accommodation Service Managers 酒店住宿经理(不确定)0711: Construction Managers 建筑经理1111: Financial Auditors and Accountants 财务审计员兼会计师2113: Geologists, Geochemists and Geophysicists 地质学家、地球化学家、地球物理学者2143: Mining Engineers 采矿工程师2144: Geological Engineers 地质工程师2145: Petroleum Engineers 石油工程师3111: Specialist Physicians 内科专家3112: General Practitioners and Family Physicians 全科、家庭医师3141: Audiologists and Speech Language Pathologists 听觉病矫治专家及语言病理学者3143: Occupational Therapists 职能治疗师3142: Physiotherapists 理疗专家3151: Head Nurses and Supervisors 护士长3152: Registered Nurses 注册护士3215: Medical Radiation Technologists 内科放射专家3233: Licensed Practical Nurses 经过训练特许工作的护士4121: University Professors 大学教授4131: College and Other Vocational Instructors 大专及其他职业教师6241: Chefs 厨师长6242: Cooks 厨师7213: Contractors and Supervisors, Pipefitting Trades 建筑监理、管道安装工7215: Contractors and Supervisors, Carpentry Trades 建筑监理、木工7217: Contractors and Supervisors, Heavy Construction Equipment Crews 建筑监理、重型施工设备人员7241: Electricians (Except Industrial and Power System) 电器专家(不包括工业、动力系统)7242: Industrial Electricians 工业电工7251: Plumbers 水暖工7252: Steamfitters, Pipe fitters and Sprinkler System Installers 暖气安装工、管道安装工、自动喷水灭火系统安装工7265: Welders and Related Machine Operators 焊接工、相关机床操作工7312: Heavy-Duty Equipment Mechanics 重型、耐受力强设备机械工7371: Crane Operators 起重机、吊车操作工7372: Drillers and Blasters Surface Mining, Quarrying and Construction 电钻工、爆破工、表层才矿工、采石及建筑工人8221: Supervisors, Mining and Quarrying 采矿、采石监管8222: Supervisors, Oil and Gas Drilling and Service 石油、汽油开采监管9212: Supervisors, Petroleum, Gas and Chemical Processing and Utilities 石油、汽油、化学药品处理及应用监管 -------------------- 请问7241: Electricians (Except Industrial and Power System) 电器专家(不包括工业、动力系统)这项的工作具体要求有没规定?电子产品的技术支持开发经验算不算? 谢谢! 如果条件不符合被拒是否会退款? 谢谢!

有梦想就有未来!!回复: 38项紧缺列表~!具体工作要求可以参考NOC网站http://www5.hrsdc.gc.ca/NOC/

回复: 38项紧缺列表~!Joey, 为什么你说0632(不确定)?

Joey, 为什么你说0632(不确定)?点击展开... 我只是COPY的。。。。


回复: 38项紧缺列表~!7241 apprentice construction electrician apprentice electrician apprentice electrician, construction building construction electrician building electrician construction and maintenance electrician construction electrician construction electrician apprentice domestic and rural electrician electrical fixtures installer electrical wirer, construction electrical wiring installer construction electrician electrician military electrician troubleshooter electrician, building construction electrician, construction and maintenance electrician, institution journeyman/woman construction electrician residential construction wirer residential wireman/woman wirer, residential construction wiring electrician 7241 Electricians (Except Industrial and Power System) Electricians in this unit group lay out, assemble, install, test, troubleshoot and repair electrical wiring, fixtures, control devices and related equipment in buildings and other structures. They are employed by electrical contractors and maintenance departments of buildings and other establishments, or they may be self-employed.

有梦想就有未来!!回复: 38项紧缺列表~!Results of "View all Titles" Results :337242 apprentice industrial electrician apprentice marine electrician diesel electrician railway electric signal repairer railway electrical repairer, crane maintenance electrical repairer, industrial electrical repairer, machine shop electrical technician military electrician rail transport electrician, industrial electrician, plant maintenance electrician, shipyard industrial electrician industrial electrician apprentice industrial electrician lead hand journeyman/woman industrial electrician maintenance electrician industrial marine electrician marine electrician military marine equipment electrician marine wireman/woman mill electrician mine electrician plant electrician plant maintenance electrician railway signal installer railway signal maintainer rig electrician ship's electrician ship's electrician shipbuilding and repair ship's electrician water transport shipyard electrician signal maintainer, railway 7242 Industrial Electricians Industrial electricians install, maintain, test, troubleshoot and repair industrial electrical equipment and associated electrical and electronic controls. They are employed by electrical contractors and maintenance departments of factories, plants, mines, shipyards and other industrial establishments.

有梦想就有未来!!回复: 38项紧缺列表~!这样看来 电子产品的维修也算?之前的技术支持有维修部分的。!看来可以研究下!

有梦想就有未来!!回复: 38项紧缺列表~!http://www5.hrsdc.gc.ca/NOC/English/NOC/2006/QuickSearch.aspx?val65=*看这里!


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