加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民Uncle Sam is sending out checks.


http://money.cnn.com/news/newsfeeds/articles/newstex/AFX-0013-22999141.htm cnnad_createAd("654903","http://ads.cnn.com/html.ng/site=cnn_money&cnn_money_pagetype=article&cnn_money_position=220x200_ctr&cnn_money_rollup=markets_and_stocks&cnn_money_section=quigo&params.styles=fs","200","220");​(updates with details from IRS)WASHINGTON, Feb. 13, 2008 (Thomson Financial delivered by Newstex) -- President George W. Bush signed the $170 billion economic stimulus package into law Wednesday afternoon, setting in motion a process that should put rebate checks into the hands of millions of Americans starting in May.He called the package 'a booster shot' for the slowing economy. 'Congress passed a really good piece of legislation, did it quickly and did not load it up with extra spending programs,' Bush said.'The bill I'm signing today is large enough to have an impact,' at about 1% of the U.S. gross domestic product, he said.At least $300 will go to almost everyone who earns a paycheck or gets Social Security or veterans benefits. People paying income taxes could get up to $600 per individual, $1,200 per couple plus $300 per child.Businesses get more generous depreciation and expensing rules for their taxes.And the Federal Housing Authority, Fannie Mae (NYSE:FNM) and Freddie Mac (NYSE:FRE) get the limits on the size of mortgages they can finance or buy raised to $729,750 for one year.The Internal Revenue Service released details of the check distribution, advising taxpayers that in most cases they will not have to do anything extra to get the economic stimulus payments beginning in May.'If you are eligible for a payment, all you have to do is file a 2007 tax return and the IRS will do the rest,' Acting IRS Commissioner Linda Stiff said in a statement.In most cases, the actual size of the check will equal the taxpayer's liability on the tax return, up to the maximum amounts.'Some people receiving Social Security of veterans benefits may not realize they need to file a tax return to get the stimulus payment,' Stiff said.The IRS will work with the Social Security Administration and Veterans Affairs department to notify them. It will also mail out two informational notices to taxpayers. The IRS also warned people to be alert for rebate scams such as phone calls or emails claiming to be from the IRS and asking for personal financial data.

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