加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民枫叶卡照片在莆田去哪里照



涵江区公安分局对面. 你在莆田哪里?刚收到移民局的信,信上说要寄两张相片35x45的还有一张要盖章,请问有没有人知道在莆田去哪里照。点击展开...

terrylam 说:涵江区公安分局对面. 你在莆田哪里?点击展开...相片后面日期名字和地址手写行吗?

老乡呢。我出国太久, 无法帮你。

hyr 说:相片后面日期名字和地址手写行吗?点击展开...应该无需写名字吧。


父母移民 2008年8月7号application---2011年11月 收到补料通知---2012年1月6号补料 ---2012年3月16号DM1转渥太华---2012年4月27收到 ME---2012年6月 CIC online MER,2012年9月26号IP---2012年9月28号DM护照寄香港---2012年10月3号香港签收护照 ----2012年10月17号收到大信封-----2012年10月21号登陆,长征总算结束了 2015-04-20#7 H 28 $0.00 Your application for permanent residence in Canada has reached the final stage of processing. You must submit your passport(s) to Hong Kong, within thirty (30) days of the date of this letter in order to finalize your application. Failure to submit your passport(s) and all required information may result in the refusal of your application for non-compliance.You must include a copy of this letter with your submission.Please read carefully all information and instructions set out below and complete the steps accordingly. Your application will be finalized at the visa office: Hong Kong. If you have any questions after reading the information and instructions, please contact this office, by following the instructions at the website: http://www.canadainternational.gc.ca/hong_kong/visas/index.aspx?lang=eng&menu_id=31. Change in Family Composition or Mailing AddressYou must notify the visa office, Hong Kong, in writing if there are or will be changes in your life circumstances before using your visas, such as:

这是 pl信 吗?Your application for permanent residence in Canada has reached the final stage of processing. You must submit your passport(s) to Hong Kong, within thirty (30) days of the date of this letter in order to finalize your application. Failure to submit your passport(s) and all required information may result in the refusal of your application for non-compliance.You must include a copy of this letter with your submission.Please read carefully all information and instructions set out below and complete the steps accordingly. Your application will be finalized at the visa office: Hong Kong. If you have any questions after reading the information and instructions, please contact this office, by following the instructions at the website: http://www.canadainternational.gc.ca/hong_kong/visas/index.aspx?lang=eng&menu_id=31. Change in Family Composition or Mailing AddressYou must notify the visa office, Hong Kong, in writing if there are or will be changes in your life circumstances before using your visas, such as:

hyr 说:这是 pl信 吗?Your application for permanent residence in Canada has reached the final stage of processing. You must submit your passport(s) to Hong Kong, within thirty (30) days of the date of this letter in order to finalize your application. Failure to submit your passport(s) and all required information may result in the refusal of your application for non-compliance.You must include a copy of this letter with your submission.Please read carefully all information and instructions set out below and complete the steps accordingly. Your application will be finalized at the visa office: Hong Kong. If you have any questions after reading the information and instructions, please contact this office, by following the instructions at the website: http://www.canadainternational.gc.ca/hong_kong/visas/index.aspx?lang=eng&menu_id=31. Change in Family Composition or Mailing AddressYou must notify the visa office, Hong Kong, in writing if there are or will be changes in your life circumstances before using your visas, such as:点击展开...让你提交护照给香港大使馆。

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