加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民家庭团聚移民境外申请(转载)


家庭团聚移民境外申请和登陆 关于配偶团聚的流程及资料1、准备表格;2、办理单身证明和护照;(办理护照是针对,配偶在国内的案例)3、结婚,公证结婚、出生、未刑、户口本;4、体检,交申请费;5、寄表格;6、大概一个月担保通过,转到BJ或HK;7、再过半个月会收到file no.;8、等待…(大概3~5个月) 加拿大移民局网址:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/index.asp加拿大驻北京大使馆资料:网址:http://www.beijing.gc.ca/index.htm地址:中国北京市朝阳区东直门外大街19号 邮编:100600电话: +86(10)6532-3031或 +86(10)6532-3032 传真: +86(10)6532-1684 Email: [email protected] 加拿大使馆的对外办公时间:周一至周五,8:00至17:00 领事服务时间:周一至周五,上午9:00至11:00,下午13:30至16:00 签证处的对外办公时间:周一至周四,8:15至11:30(各项服务),14:30至15:30 (凭查询卡领取签证)境外表格下载:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/fc.asp体检医院:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/contacts/dmp/china.html密西沙加地址:Case Processing Centre Mississauga P.O. Box 3000, Station A Mississauga, Ontario L5A 4N6担保申请进度查询:https://services3.cic.gc.ca/ols/ols.do担保进度时间查询:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/times/process-in.html申请人进度查询(北京):[URL="http://www.beijing.gc.ca/templates/bj-ch-visa.aspx?id=2298"]http://www.beijing.gc.ca/templates/bj-ch-visa.aspx?id=2298[/URL] 香港使馆信息Telephone/Facsimile Numbers:Mission Tel.: (852) 2810-4321Immigration Tel.: (852) 2847-7555Mission Fax: (852) 2810-6736Immigration Fax: (852) 2847-7493 Mailing Address:Consulate General of CanadaImmigration SectionG.P.O. Box 11142Hong KongChina (PRC) Office Location:Consulate General of CanadaImmigration SectionTower One, Exchange Square, 12th Floor8 Connaught PlaceHong Kong E-mail Address:[email protected] Office Hours:Monday: 08:00 - 17:00Tuesday: 08:00 - 17:00Wednesday: 08:00 - 12:30Thursday: 08:00 - 17:00Friday: 08:00 - 17:00 担保人表格:IMM 1344AIMM 1344BIMM 5481IMM 5540申请人表格:IMM 0008 GenericIMM 0008 Schedule 1IMM 5490(解释信要签名)IMM 5406担保人应准备的材料:护照上一年的税单上一年的T4/T5银行存款证明雇主信往返中国的机票或登机牌、护照签证,旅游的机票。申请人应准备的材料: 公证.(出生, 无犯罪, 户口, 结婚证) 婚纱照,合影照片电子邮件. MSN and YAHOO聊天记录电话帐单. 护照复印件身份证复印件 体检表申请人照片5张(写上姓名, 出生日期, 身高, 眼睛颜色) 代码的意思:FN: file № (档案号) IP:in process(正在处理中) DM: decision made(材料已经审理完毕) MER: ME received(已经收到体检结果) PL: picking up letter(签证通知) LP: landing paper(签证纸)或老婆LG:老公 加拿大驻北京大使馆数字状态一览表01 已安排面谈.02 等待面谈,尚未安排.03 我处将与你联系.04 请与我处联系.05 已寄信给你要求补交材料(参照上述补充说明)。06 等待他方提供信息。请耐心等待.07 等待体检结果.08 已收到你本人或他方递交的材料,正在审阅中.09 等待建档.10 等待初审.11 我处将与你联系(参照上述补充说明)。12 申请档案正在审阅中.13 你的申请已审理完毕。结果将邮寄给你.14 你的档案尚在等待审理.15 要求你参加面谈。请亲自前来我处面谈.16 你的申请已有结果。请来我处领取,如希望邮寄,请通知我处.17 你的申请结果已邮寄给你。如果到此日期(参照上述补充说明)仍未收到,请与我处联系.18 我处在等待你的雅思考试结果.19 你已被列入面谈候补名单.20 按照你的要求,你的申请档案已被转移.21 你的体检表已于此日(参照上述补充说明)寄出。请尽快按要求进行体检. 以下是从其他论坛转来的有关面试时签证官问的问题:1.谁给你申请的?(例:我的未婚夫XXX)2.你们怎么认识的?(要符合GG写的认识经过)3.[前面回答通过网络相识]什么网站? 4.[前面回答通过介绍人相识]有介绍人的相片吗?介绍人的名字?怎么跟介绍人认识的?(例:不知道要带他的相片) 5.[前面回答从小就认识的邻居]有小时候的相片吗? 6.你们都是北方的?(例:是的,不仅如此,我们还都是一个城市的) 7.你们是同乡? 8.你们什么时候认识的? 9.认识你的时候他住在什么地方? 10.你们认识多久了? 11.你们是通过什么方式沟通交流的?(例:Email、电话、上网聊天……) 12.你们用什么语言交流?(针对GG不是华人) 13.你们见过面吗? 14.你们什么时间见的面? 15.你们多长时间见一面? 16.他来过中国看你吗? 17.他来中国看过你几次? 18.他来中国分别是什么时候? 19.[前面回答只有一次]为什么只有一次? 20.[前面回答只有一次]只见过一次你就嫁给他啦? 21.他来中国之前你们认识多久了? 22.他来中国时呆了多长时间? 23.他在中国的时候你们都做了什么?(例:旅游、见父母、……) 24.[前面回答旅游]一起去过哪些城市? 25.他上次来什么时候?什么时候走的? 26.他为什么要来这里? 27.你们见过双方父母没有啊? 28.他每次回来你们都拍了照片吗? 29.[出示合影]问合影的时间地点? 30.你们的照片还有吗?怎么不多照些?(例:两人出去玩,照合影要请别人帮忙照很麻烦) 31.[出示信件]你是根据什么打出来这些信的?(例:信件太多了,只是隔一段时间打一封) 32.你们什么时候决定结婚的? 33.你们什么时候订的婚? 34.你们什么时候结的婚? 35.带结婚证了吗?(例:不是给你公证了吗?) 36.你们第一次见面就结婚了? 37.表格是自己填的吗? 38.他的尊姓大名? 39.他是哪里人?(华人GG的籍贯) 40.他住哪里? 41.他的年龄? 42.他的生日? 43.他出生在哪里? 44.他从哪里去加拿大的? 45.他什么时候移民的? 46.他是什么学校毕业?专业及学历是什么?他以什么为生/做什么工作/干哪一行?47.他在哪里工作?公司的名称,已经工作多长时间?48.他一个月挣多少薪水? 49.他是否有兄弟姐妹? 50.他老爹老妈还活着吗?做什么工作?51.他妈贵姓?她从哪里来的? 52.他的兴趣爱好是什么? 53.他最喜欢什么颜色? 54.他喜欢什么音乐? 55.他驾驶什么牌子的汽车? 56.他有什么宗教信仰? 57.他什么时候与前妻离婚的?(针对GG有过婚史) 58.你的年龄? 59.你去过那个国家?什么时候?多长时间?去干吗?和谁一起?名字?干什么的?在什么公司? 60.你以前到过加拿大吗?什么时候?呆了多久?上一次去的目的是什么? 61.你以什么为生/做什么工作/干哪一行? 62.你是哪个大学毕业的? 63.你是学什么专业的? 64.[前面回答贸易类]那你对世贸组织是怎么看的?65.你是经济工作吗? 66.你有什么宗教信仰? 67.你有兄弟姐妹吗? 68.你结过婚吗? 69.你前夫/孩儿他爹的名字是什么?(针对带小孩的K类JM) 70.你能说英文吗?(例:一点点/没问题) 71.你是不是员?(最好回答不是) 72.[参过军]谈谈部队背景?(敏感问题) 73.你哪天到哪里去干吗?有什么目的/企图?(例:上网找人闲扯聊天)74.你是否属于恐怖组织的成员?75.你最喜欢你未婚夫哪些性格/品质/特点? 76.跟我谈谈你的那个他?(开放型问题) 77.你是否愿意嫁他?(明知故问) 78.你为什么想嫁他?(针对年龄、专业等差距大) 79.他比你大好多?你的父母是怎么看待这个问题的? 80.你为什么想认识这个加拿大人,而要嫁到加拿大去?(例:没有刻意的想认识,纯属偶然) 81.你们相识这么短的时间,你怎么知道他就是最适合你的呢? 82.你的朋友和家人都在中国,为什么要去加拿大和他结婚? 83.即将背井离乡,远离家人,你感觉如何?有没有什么留恋? 84.马上要移民了,意不意外,开不开心? 85.你准备去哪个城市? 86.你什么时候离华? 87.你去了打算住在什么地方? 88.打算到加拿大做什么职业?学习?有什么计划?(例:想先适应一下环境) 89.你们婚期定在什么时候?(例:去加拿大后90天内尽快结婚,因为我们已分开很久了) 90.你们打算在哪里结婚?为什么不在中国结婚? 91.请告诉我你们的结婚计划? 92.你们要举行婚礼吗? 93.你的父母不想参加你们的婚礼吗? 94.你知道进入加拿大90天以内必须结婚吗? 95.如果到时候你们没有结婚,你打算怎么办?(例:我们是如此相爱,一定会结婚的) 英文再来一遍 1.Who helped you to apply for the K1 visa? -My fiancee has helped me complete the application. 2.How do you know each other? -eg.We met on the internet and then got to know each other via phone calls. And since meeting we have become engaged to be married. 3.[if you answer through the net]which web-site? -eg.Yahoo 4.[if you answer someone introduced you two]Have you any picture of the person who introduced you to each other? What is his name? How do you know him? -eg:I don't know that I should bring the his photo with me. -No, I have no picture of the person who introduced us. His name is xxx. I knew xxx from xxx. 5.[If you answer you knew each other when you were kids]Do you have any photo of his childhood? -e.g. Yes, but I didn't bring them with me today. -or Yes, here they are. -or No I don't. 6.Are you all from North? -eg:yes,even more we come from same city -or Yes, I am from the North. -or we are from different cities. 7.Are you fellow townsman? -eg.Yes, we both come from xxx -or No, we are from different cities. 8,Since when have you known each other? -We have know each other since xxx 9.Where did he live when you knew him? -He lived in xxx when we first met. 10.How long have you known each other? -We have known each other xxx 11.How do you keep in touch? -We use email or internet chat, at least daily. If one of us is travelling we both have cell phones. Occasionally we send letters or cards to one another. -12.In which language do you talk to each other?(if GG is not Chinese) -eg.We speak English and Chinese, since my fiance's Chinese is so wonderful we can easily use that. 13.Have you met? -Yes. 14.when did you meet? -we have met in xxx and xxx..... 15.How often have you met? -eg.We spent a week together in April and 10 days in September. 16.Has he come China to see you? Yes. 17.How many time has he come China to see you? - 5 times 18.What are the dates of the visits? -eg.August 31th 2002 19.[if answer once]Why is it only once? -eg.Because we like to travel to other places too, so we meet in other countries. -or he was so busy and we thought K visa only took short time. 20.[if answer once] Can you marry him only having seen him once? -Yes, I feel I know him very well. We have communicated with each other every day since we have met. I am certain that we are well suited for each other, this is not a step I would take lightly. 21.How long did you know each other before he came china? -eg?? months 22.How long did he stay in china when he came to see you? -eg 1 week. 23.What have you done when he came? -eg. We saw the XXX, shopping in XXX.ate some sichuan food. 24.[if you answer travelling]Where did you go? - We went XXX 25.when did he come last time? When did he leave?? - He came in XXX. we stayed in hotels during our travels. 26.Why did he come here? -To visit me. 27.Have you met both parents?? -eg I have not met his parents but he has met mine. 28.Have you taken any pictures of your visits together? -eg.Yes, we have hundreds of pictures of each other. -29.[after taking out pictures]when and where did you take these pictures? -Some at XXX, some at XXX, some at XXX..... 30.Have you any more pictures? Why didn't you take more? -eg:when we go out have a trip,it's difficult to ask people to help a lot -Yes we have more, but when the camera is on a timer it's hard to get a good photograph. Also, it can be embarrasiing to always ask someone to help us take our pictures. 31.[when you took out letters] What did make you decide to print out these letters???? -eghere is too much,I only printed out sometime. -I have over 1000 messages. I can only print out some, so I printed some of the ones I didn't mind people reading, they are quite personal items. I understand you may need to see some of them, but I am sure you don't want to see all of them. I chose ones spanning a range of dates. 32.When did you decide to marry? -We decided to get married in XXXX 33.When did you get engaged? -eg.We got engaged when he came to visit me at the 2nd time. 34.when did you marry? -We have not married yet. -we married in XXXX 35.Have you brought the marriage certificate? -Yes. 36.Did you marry when you just met? -Yes. because we feel we just know each other. 37.Did you fill the form yourself? No, my fiancee helped me. 38.What's his full name? -xxxx 39.where does he come from?(if GG is Chinese) -He was born in xxx 40.Where does he live? -xxx 41.How old is he? -xx 42.When is his birthday? -xxx 43.Where was he born? -xxx 44.From where did he move to CA? -xxx 45.When did he emigrate?? -xxxx 46.What does he do for living/what does he do/what's his job?? -He is a xxx. 47.where does he work? -xxx 48.How much his salary is? - xxx/per year (or per month,per hour) 49.Has he any other brothers and sisters? -eg.Yes, x brothers and x sisters. 50.Are his parents alive? -Yes. 51.What's his mother's name? where does she come from? -xxx, she comes from xxx. 52.What is his fond of? -eg.Hot spicy food. 53.what color does he like best? -eg.Black - like my hair ;) 54.what kind of music does he like? -eg.He likes a variety of music, including some Chinese music I sent him. 55.What car does he drive? -xxx 56.What's his religion? -eg.He doesn't have one. 57.when did he divorc his ex-wife?(if GG is divorced) -eg,xxx. He seperated in xxx, but xxx law requires a year seperation before divorce can be filed. 58.what's your age? -xx 59.to which countries have you been? When did you go there? For how long? How did you get there? -xxxx. 60.Have you ever been to CA? when? For how long? What's you purpose to go there? -No. -eg.Yes, I came to xx in xx xxx for x week. 61.What do you do for living/what's your job/what do you do? -I am a xx at xx in xx. 62.Which university did you graduate from? -xxx 63.Which subject you have studied? -I studied xxxx 64.[if anwer trade] What do you think about the WTO?/ What's your comment of the people who protest in front of WTO's gate. -eg.I think the WTO is a good opportunity to improve trade relations between China and the rest of the world. I didn't know there was a protest in front of the WTO offices. 65.Is your job about economy? -eg.All jobs are involved in the economy. I don't understand this question. 66.What's your religion? -eg.I have none. 67.Have you have brothers and sisters? -eg.Yes, I have a brother. 68.Have you married before? -No. -Yes, I was married before. 69.What's your EX's name/What's the name of your Child's father's?(if there is K2) -My ex's name is xxx. he is xxx's father. 70.Can you speak English -Yes, I can. 71.Are you CAP? -NO. 72.[If have army background]Talk about experience in Army? -xxx 73.Why did you go there that day? What's you pupose? -eg.looking for someone chatting 74.Are you belong to any terror organization? -Absolutely not! II (About personal feeling) 75.Which character/quality/nature do you like best about your fiance? -I like that he is .... and .... to me. I am certain he loves me. It's true my LP 76.Please tell me something about him -He is xxx, has xxx hair and xxx eyes. What specifically do you want to know? 77.Are you willing to marry him? -Of course. 78.Why do you want to marry him -Because we are in love and we would like to spend the rest of our lives together. 79.He is much older than you. What do your parents think about this? -I don't think he is so much older. and my parents are happy that I have chosen a man I love. 80.Why do you want to know him. and are going to marry in CA? -I know him already and yes we thought K1 could let us to be together fast. 81.As you both know each other in such short time. How do you know he is the most one fit for you? -Time can't decide anything. -Sometimes you can tell a lot about a person, how that person makes you feel.How difficult life is without them. I have never met anyone like this person who can give me those feelings. 82.All your friends and family member are in China. why do you want to go CA to marry him? -I want to stay with my future husband, I will be able to visit my friends in China. 83.How do you feel when you will leave your hometown and family? will you feel any sorrow? -Yes, I think I shall feel some sadness at leaving. but I will feel happy to be toghter with my love. 84.You will emigrate very soon. Is this sudden? Are you happy? -I am quite nervous about moving, but I know my fiancee will help me make the adjustments. III (About future plan) 85.To which city are you going? -xxx 86.When will you leave china? -I will leave as soon as I get my visa.We we have waited too long. -After I have finished my contract. 87.Where will you live when you arrived? -xxx 88.What kind of profession do you want to do? Do you want to study? what's your plan? -My fiancee and I are still talking about this. He knows I want to be a xxx and we have considered studying, but have no final plans yet. -My husband can support me until I have found suitable work. 89.When will you marry? -we will marry as quickly as we can,because we have been apart for long time -We intend to marry as soon as we can. 90.Where will you marry?Why don't you marry in China? We shall marry in xxx 91.Please tell me your plan of marriage -eg.We can't plan until we have the visa, then we can decide how to get married. 92.Are you going to hold a wedding? -We would like to, until we know the dates of the K1 visa we cannot make any concrete plans, especially those involving a big wedding. 93.Are your parents going to be at your wedding? -I would like them to, my parents will need a visa to enter the CA. We may hold a celebration in China at a later date. 94.Do you know you must marry in 90 day after you having entered the CA?? -Yes 95.If you can't marry. what are you going to do? -We shall, if not then I know I must leave the CA in 90 days 补充:1.你怎么知道你爱他?2.你怎么知道他爱你?3.你怎么知道他说的都是真的?4.老公在加电话?5.他和你父母相处如何?6.你和他父母是否见过面,最后什么时候见面的,关系如何?7.你LG以前结过婚吗? 8.有孩子吗?跟他生活在一起吗?多大了?9.老公第一次登陆的时间?10.老公从第一次登陆回来到再一次去加之间都作了什么?11.他的优点缺点?12.他最吸引你的是什么? 13.你们有什么共同点?14.你们交往过程的小故事(要能动人的)?15.你们什么时候结婚的?16.他什么时候来的?17.他来了多少天啊?18.你们第一次牵手什么时候,在哪里,谁牵的谁?19.你们是LG来之前商量的结婚还是之后商量的,是谁提出的?20.他怎么跟你求婚的?什么时候?哪里?21.他的城市有多大,有多少人口?22.你们谈了多久结婚的?23.结婚典礼由多少人参加?24.你去加后住哪?25.你LG城市的气温?26.你LG的城市不是大城市,你确定要去吗? 27.加拿大那么冷你确定要去吗? 28.为什么你要去加拿大?29.为何他或她不回来和我团聚,而是申请你出去?30.看了我们的婚纱照后说(因为有影楼的服装)这套唐装是你LG的吗?是在加做的还是在中国做的? 31.你的地址,电话?32.你现在的工作和时间?33.如果回答准备出国的东西会追问具体是什么东西?34.你会说英语么?35.如果给你签证你什么时候能离开? **面谈的时候,千万不要表现非常想去加拿大,而要把重要放在想和lg/lp团聚,让他们觉得你的目的是lg/lp而不是加国,要知道,他们面谈的目的是看你们的婚姻是否真实,看你们的感情是否可靠,紧记这点,以谈话你尽量都要表现想念lg/lp,是因为想团聚而去加拿大,而不是想去加拿大而团聚。 登陆篇 临行时必须准备的证件Check List必要携带: 护照、签证、现金和银行卡等资料、临时居住家庭旅馆的电话和地址、Goods List 清单机票:出票的时候加航要提供一个加拿大的地址的,所以问朋友要个地址,其实这个地址没有什么用处的,当然不要给不存在的,可以随便给个公寓的地址。 建议携带:学历、成绩单、工作证明,个人相片(移民申请标准相片)旅行中途建议携带:笔,外套,一次性拖鞋,加币散钱 飞机中一次性拖鞋,运动一下,喝温水,1件衣服加一件外套就OK,飞机中会填写入境卡,(飞机上发了入境表格,非常简单,关键是把名字等填对,其他如打算呆多久等都不用填,记得要签名) 入关第一次入关带的东西都免费。入关有海运随后到,一定要讲并填写GF表。护照,(移民纸)存款证明,可以说信用卡额度。(在10000刀以内,现金超过10000刀的要报海关)。入境卡,(如果有GF的提供GF)加拿大居住地址:(如果你不修改地址,枫叶卡会寄到这个地址。如果登陆后很快修改地址,要去相关网站修改地址)(没地址,先拿朋友的住址,等安顿后打电话和上网修改)加拿大很重视了解你的居住地址,以后办理很多证件都需要你提供居住都知道证明材料,如以后的信用卡,驾照,汽车保险纸都是邮件给你,不能亲自去取,其一部分用意在于确认你的居住地址。入关过程下飞机后,非常快速的就出关,然后来到移民入境办理手续的地方,有2条队,一条是专门针对新移民的,不要排错,针对心移民的队一般不多人。招待的人会很友好的,问你几个问题。这里主要针对新移民的,留学的想好自己怎么回答,一般只会问一两个问题,移民官不会难为的)过境口,以家为单位排队这里递上入境卡、护照、移民纸、GF表。 小提示:A、要在温哥华转机移民局的手续加等待时间,可长可短,建议做好超过2个小时的准备。订票的时候一定要问好,万一赶不上飞机可以改签几点的飞机?虽然温哥华到多伦多有很多的飞机,但如果航空公司没有协议的话,只能等第二天同一时间。B、入境时移民官所办的手续只是例行公事,“面试”只是在核对资料,保证你提供资料的真实可信,而不是要考你。要难为你。C、移民局都有中文翻译,万一真的听不懂,不要慌张,可以找人翻译。 到机场大厅,你要做的:A、推上行李,B、换点散钱加币和硬币,C、弄清位置,D、拿好出发前预定旅馆的地址(如果旅馆提供接送最好)A、行李大厅有自助推车,2元押金,退回行李车可退还。B、换钱,随便最好提前准备一些加币,接车车费,旅馆,电话等都需要,最好有1元,25分等的硬币。C、找清自己的位置;有terminal 1,terminal 2,terminal 3,等几个出口,你要弄清你所在的位置,每个出口有ABCD,4个门,门口第一条马路是公交车的,第二条马路才可以私家车停靠。D、公共电话,市内电话50分一次,从市内到达机场的时间大概是20分钟左右 到达多伦多后要办理的事情:申请SIN卡,申请OHIP卡,开银行帐户,找一个安居服务机构(settlement agency),找一个社区医疗中心(Communit health center),找一个就业中心(Employment Resource Center),找一个图书馆(public library),看一些雇员和访客权益一定文档,为租房和找工作做准备,熟悉街道和交通地图,考虑上ESL。 办sin卡 在scarborough civic centre办的,我早上8点就去了,前面已经有6个人在等了。现在去办sin卡,什么表都不用填写。带上护照,landing paper就好。 在柜台那,说明是办sin卡,然后他们会把landing paper复印一下,接着就坐在那等就好。 叫到名字,就跟着进去。有问到父母的姓名,和出生地,好象生日也有问,记不太清楚了,准备一下也好。核对完之后,就会给一张纸,上面写了号码,说明你现在就可以打工了。正式的卡,要过段时间才邮到! 健康卡 具体地址见下黑体字。多伦多有3个地方可以办,哪个离家近就选哪个。同样是拿着landing paper,护照,我还有带驾照。有人说,最好带上银行帐单,证明你确实是在那个住址住。我也有带,不过没人向我要。因为要照照片,所以女孩子们最好打扮一下。毕竟那卡一用就是5年呢。问了些简单问题,然后也是拿了张纸,纸上写着,2007年6月30日才开始生效,卡会在那之前收到。 在此说明,健康卡,一定是在你登陆后3个月后才有效,就算你提前办也是在3个月左右的时候才邮给你。 Scarborough 2063 Lawrence Avenue East (at Warden) M1R 2Z4 Monday through Thursday 8:00 am - 7:00 pm Friday 8:00 am - 6:30 pm 建议先考驾照,办理好SIN(工卡),有了银行开户,或是电话帐单再去申请健康卡 相关机构的位置和网址:枫叶卡地址网上修改:https://services3.cic.gc.ca/ecas/?app=coa(Tip:输入主申请人移民纸上的Client ID,8位数字的,就可以给CIC提供更新的地址)枫叶卡进度网上查询:https://services3.cic.gc.ca/ecas/authenticate.do?app=ecas查询时,网站上的:Identification Type:选项,首次登陆的新移民可以选择:FN号码,登陆纸ID电话查询:1-888-2422100驾照考试之有问必答http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=153469还有个在线测试的。http://www.evergreendrivingschool.ca/examQuestion.jsp不过这个和考题的说法有些不同,考题是繁体的,而且语态和内容和这个简体的略有不同。安省健康卡办理分布图:http://map.iask.ca/listing/categories/OHIP卫生部电话:1-800-664-8988, 8:30am - 5:00pm安省卫生部网址:http://www.health.gov.on.ca/点击下面的Health Card , 然后进入健康卡相关网页。http://www.health.gov.on.ca/en/publi...p/default.aspx关于OHIP的更多的表格见此链接。http://www.forms.ssb.gov.on.ca/mbs/s...IER2=1&TIER3=1 ((以上为转载,觉得有用,所以就发了,不一定很正确,时间是2008年登陆的,有错误的和更新的看到及时指出,另外自己编辑了一下登陆篇,不一定很全面,觉得有用就拿去用吧,谢谢。))

愿万能的主保佑,保佑天堂的妈,也保佑ML。愿万能的主保佑相爱的人化解所有的危机,永远在一起。回复: 家庭团聚移民境外申请(转载)这个。。。置顶的帖子都有了吧

回复: 家庭团聚移民境外申请(转载)辛苦楼主了,谢谢!登陆这方面好象这里详细点!

回复: 家庭团聚移民境外申请(转载)关于登陆,我还在整理中,等我整理完会重新编辑的。

愿万能的主保佑,保佑天堂的妈,也保佑ML。愿万能的主保佑相爱的人化解所有的危机,永远在一起。回复: 家庭团聚移民境外申请(转载)关于登陆篇的那部分编辑了一些进去。有错的麻烦大家及时帮手更正,免得误导大家了。

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