加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民已经12好多天了,同学们有类似的吗?



新移民,老留学生。。。。回复: 已经12好多天了,同学们有类似的吗?据我看,以前的同学12基本都在半个月左右,不过......咱们3月的也就毕业了两个,所以不能乱说规律!其实我觉得你这种情况应该是很快就会13了,如果变其他状态早就变了,所以静心再等等吧,没准下周就有好消息了!

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.​回复: 已经12好多天了,同学们有类似的吗?谢谢鼓励啊^^

新移民,老留学生。。。。回复: 已经12好多天了,同学们有类似的吗?要坚持,不要着急哦。 希望你今天能变!!BTW, 我已经12六周了

回复: 已经12好多天了,同学们有类似的吗?要坚持,不要着急哦。 希望你今天能变!!BTW, 我已经12六周了点击展开...谢谢鼓励啊。。。一起等,希望都早点变啊。。。

新移民,老留学生。。。。回复: 已经12好多天了,同学们有类似的吗?我也12了很久了,不同的签证官工作和判断的方式不同,共勉!

回复: 已经12好多天了,同学们有类似的吗?我眼瞅着就12一个月了,我今天给北京签证处写信了,说已经12一个月了,不知道他们能回不。。。=。=

新移民,老留学生。。。。回复: 已经12好多天了,同学们有类似的吗?

胡适谈挨骂我受了十余年的骂,从来不怨恨骂我的人。有时他们骂得不中肯,我反替他们着急。有时他们骂得太过火了,反损骂者自己的人格,我更替他们不安。如果骂我而使骂者有益,便是我间接对他有恩了,自然我很情愿挨骂。我眼瞅着就12一个月了,我今天给北京签证处写信了,说已经12一个月了,不知道他们能回不。。。=。=点击展开...能回,不过是官话。就是说了跟没说一样。 我都已经试过了。 看了那封信比干等着更闹心。 要耐心啊我现在也只能自己安慰自己: 没消息就是好消息!! 这就是他们给我的回信: "Dear Sir/ Madam, Due to the high volume of inquiries which we receive, we regret that we can only reply to emails if they fall outside of our normal processing times. Please understand that in order to serve our clients better and maintain short processing times we must dedicate our resources to file processing. Current service standards for cases that require routine processing are as follows; (please note that cases may be delayed where additional documentation/information or an interview is required): Temporary Resident Visa Applications: (Time required to receive an initial response i.e. visa, document requests, medical or refusal) Visitors: 2 weeks for VAC files or 6 weeks for mail in casesStudents: 2 weeks for VAC files or 6 weeks for mail in cases Temporary Workers: 2 weeks for VAC files or 6 weeks for mail in cases If you have submitted your application through the Visa Application Centres (VAC) please direct all status inquires to: www.vfs-canada.com.cn/onlinetracking.aspx If you have submitted your application to the VAC and want to know its location, please contact the VAC. Please see the VAC website for further information www.vfs-canada.com.cn Our office will only respond to inquires on VAC files that have exceeded their processing times. Permanent Resident Applications: (Time until finalisation) Family Class: Spouses and Common-law/Conjugal Partners: 6 months Dependent Children: 6 months Dependant Parents and Grandparents: 24 months Economic class: Skilled Worker (Federal): 48 monthsSkilled Worker (Quebec): 12 monthsBusiness Class (Federal): 64 monthsBusiness Class (Quebec): 24 monthsProvincial Nominees: 18 months Please note that general information on Visa Applications may be obtained on our websites: www.cic.gc.ca and www.beijing.gc.ca.We will not respond to your enquiry if the requested information is readily available on our website. We will only accept correspondence in English or French. Emails written in Mandarin will be disregarded.To ensure the privacy and security of applicant’s personal information please do not request your file number. Please be patient and rest assured that we will contact you if further steps are necessary. Yours sincerely,"

回复: 已经12好多天了,同学们有类似的吗?我的也是12一个月了,真是急死人了,没办法只能等了.大家一起加油把.

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